3 Technical Data

3.1 Size and Weight


240 × 155 × 50 mm


1200 g

3.2 TDC characteristics

Refer to the main user guide of the particular TDC card in your device.


3.3 Information required by DIN EN 61010-1

3.3.1 Manufacturer

The device is a product of:

cronologic GmbH & Co. KG
Jahnstraße 49
D-60318 Frankfurt
HRA 42869 beim Amtsgericht Frankfurt/M
VAT-ID: DE235184378

3.3.2 Intended Use and System Integration

The device enclosure is designed to comply with DIN EN 61326-1 when operated as outlined in this manual. The enclosure does not pose any hazards as defined by EN 61010-1.

When handling the enclosure, adequate measures have to be taken to protect the circuits against electrostatic discharge (ESD).

3.3.3 Recycling

cronologic is registered with the “Stiftung Elektro-Altgeräte Register” as a manufacturer of electronic systems with Registration ID DE 77895909.

The device belongs to Category 9, “Überwachungs und Kontrollinstrumente für ausschließlich gewerbliche Nutzung.” The last owner of the device must recycle it in compliance with §11 and §12 of the German ElektroG, or return it to the manufacturer’s address listed in Section 3.3.1.